• How do you test your own hypotheses?
  • How can you know what is true?
  • How do you find out what others have already researched? Which sources are valid?
  • How can you ask questions in such a way that the answers are useful?

At the Institute for Scientific Methodology & Market Research, we deal with precisely these questions and focus on teaching comprehensive methodological and research skills - both in the field of empirical (social) research and applied market research. In doing so, we are active across disciplines in study programmes of the faculties of business, technology and health.


We support students of the FH Wiener Neustadt through the entire process of acquiring academic competences at Bachelor's or Master's level: from immersion in the world of academic skills to independent research and writing their final thesis as well as carrying out their own research projects.

We organise and design courses across faculties and locations in German and English on the following topics:

  • Introduction to research
  • Specific academic research methods and practises (i.e. sampling, qualitative methods, questionnaire design, ...)
  • Research Design
  • Market Research

We also organise various coaching sessions to accompany the writing of bachelor's and master's theses . We make sure to use both common and newer/innovative methods (e.g. research in an online setting).

In addition, we offer courses on research methods in the internal education programme and advise colleagues on methodological questions, for example in connection with their research work. A platform for collegial exchange, knowledge gain & synergy is the regular "Wednesday-Seminar", moderated by Stefan Dressler-Stross, in which current research projects, innovative methods and reports on experiences from conferences are exchanged across faculties in an appreciative atmosphere.

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How we teach Academic Skills

To be able to make informed decisions in a knowledge-based society, we need to understand how science works. We believe that the best way to learn the basic principles of science on the one hand and academic research on the other hand is to do academic research yourself. That is why students act as researchers in our courses from the very beginning and try out different methods themselves. By reflecting on our experiences, we learn how to do science and what to pay attention to. This also helps us to understand, classify and evaluate academic studies and results.

For this purpose, we like to organise practical projects on current topics, e.g. with cooperation partners.

FHWN CC 0919 3804 Pletterbauer bea

Science Lab

A highlight of our activities is the Science Lab, which is headed by Severin Maurer. This is equipped with state-of-the-art research instruments and allows the application of psychophysiological and apparative methods. In addition, the premises are ideal for conducting discussion rounds and experiments. The Science Lab area comprises:

  • 3 laboratory and observation rooms (incl. tribune for observers) with Venetian mirror and mobile partition wall usable for sales trainings, focus groups, empirical surveys, etc.
  • State-of-the-art tools for equipment-based research: skin conductivity measurement, thermal imaging cameras, biofeedback device, virtual reality glasses, mobile & stationary eye tracking system and facial expression measurement using "Facial Expression Analysis" by iMotions
  • modern media technology room equipment (PTZ cameras, audio and video system for live broadcasts, etc.)
  • Experimental Lab with 14 PC stations with mobile partition walls and an administrator PC
  • Lab Lounge as recreation room for study participants and for interview studies

We do not only teach students academic skills, but also actively work on our own internally and externally funded research projects on methodological and socio-economic topics. We focus on the following research areas at University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt: Marketing & Decision Making Behaviour; Leadership, Management & Business Creation; Digital Transformation; and Health, Care & Well-being. Are you interested in further details or a cooperation? Please contact us to learn more about the projects!

  • Activities of connectedness - Promoting young people's mental health (since June 2023)
    • Cooperation with Faculty of Health (Occupational Therapy)
    • Team: Stefan Dressler-Stross, Georg Gappmayer, Kathrin Gärtner, Michael Penkler
  • DigiPIT 1b - Believe in the breath to feel relief. A comparative study of blood pressure-lowering effects of biofeedback sessions with and without digital and analogue device assistance
    • Contract research funded by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
    • Team: Michael Penkler (Head), Severin Maurer (Head), Stefan Dressler-Stross, Robert Fina, Michael Penkler, Ronja Hasler
  • Eye-Tracking Pilot-Project - Understanding of teaching materials & blind spots
    • Internal project
    • Team: Stefan Dressler-Stross (Head), Severin Maurer
  • Job Crafting - Meaningful and proactive self-organisation of one's own work as a new form of employee participation
    • Third party funded project supportes by the Chamber of Labour of Lower Austria
    • Team: Ralph Sichler (Head), Michael Busch, Stefan Dressler-Stross, Mario Kwas, Ruth Leitner, Marion Mansberger (Management)
  • Personality development - Perceptions and practices of self-optimisation among students (October 2023 - September 2024)
    • Internal project
    • Team: Marlene Schuster (Head), Petra Dirnberger, Stefan Dressler-Stross, Kathrin Gärtner, Karin Link, Melanie Hense, Michael Penkler
  • Qualitative Online Research - Strategies for the implementation & quality assurance of qualitative research in the online context
    • Internal project
    • Team: Melanie Hense, Marlene Schuster (Head)
  • Questionnaire conception - Preparation of residents' and relatives' questionnaires for the PBZ and PFZ of the Lower Austrian Provincial Health Agency (LGA)
    • Ongoing cooperation with & contract research for the Lower Austrian Provincial Health Agency (LGA)
    • Team: Stefan Dressler-Stross (Head)
  • Science meets school - Climate-friendly food: Communicating science and research in schools (2022-2024)
    • Project with the province of Lower Austria / Department of Science and Research
    • Team: Robert Fina with the Department of Food Science and Institute of Marketing in cooperation with HTS St.Pölten
  • Stress management in sales using instrumental measurement technology
    • Internal project
    • Team: Alexander Eigner, Severin Maurer, Johannes Reiterer

Below you can find a selection of our completed research projects. Please do not hesitate to contact us when interested in results.

  • Climate-friendly food consumption - Prevailing consumption barriers for climate-friendly products and specific practical measures for the development, positioning and marketing of climate-friendly food products (2020-2021)
    • Internal project
    • Team: Robert Fina with the Department of Food Science and Institut für Marketing
  • Chronic diseases and sexuality - Evaluations from the SexHealth questionnaire survey
    • Cooperation with Faculty of Health
    • Team: Kathrin Gärtner, Irina Igerc
  • Crossmodal Pudding (01.10.2019 - 30.09.2019)
    • Internal project
    • Team: Elisabeth Steiner (Head), Roswitha Enzelberger, Robert Fina, Kathrin Heim, Severin Maurer
  • DigiPIT 1a - It’s a pleasure to measure the pressure. A replication study on psychophysiological correlates of physical and mental stress responses
    • Contract research funded by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
    • Team: Michael Penkler (Head), Severin Maurer (Head), Albert Sopa (Student assistant)
  • Family-friendly community - Consultation, evaluation and presentation in the course of the family-friendly community audit (2016-217)
    • Contract research for the city Wiener Neustadt
    • Team: Alexander Darantik (Head), Stefan Dressler-Stross
  • Gender Gap 4.0 – Survey of future digital skills and identification of future job profiles of women and development of a digital skills compass
    • Third-party funded project supported by the Future Programme Project Fund Work 4.0 of the Chamber of Labour of Lower Austria
    • Team: Karin Wegenstein (Leitung), Eva Eigner, Marion Mansberger, Severin Maurer
  • HeimHO - Training of wood stove manufacturers on user requirements and consumer insights (2017)
    • FFG-Project
    • Team: Robert Fina with the Department of Electrical Engineering in cooperation with BioEnergie 2020
  • InNErOut - Survey of usability requirements and usage requirements for heat pumps from consumers (2020-2021)
    • FFG-Project
    • Team: Robert Fina with the Department of Electrical Engineering in cooperation with BEST and Ochsner
  • "It's not about the money" - Measuring attitudes towards money. A pilot study (01.09.2020 - 28.02.2021
    • Internal project
    • Team: Florian Goller, Severin Maurer
  • Leben & Belebung - Parking space management and ways to revitalise the city centre (2017-2018 )
    • Contract research for the city Wiener Neustadt
    • Team: Stefan Dressler-Stross (Head), Stefan Schober
  • Methodological research on "Napping" - Determining the number of test persons for the napping method (2019-2020)
    • Internal project
    • Team: Robert Fina with the Department of Food Science
  • Methodological and statistical consulting - "Qualification distribution new": Development of an instrument for the evaluation of the distribution of qualifications due to the amendment of the Health Care and Nursing Act of August 2016 (2016-2019)
    • Contract research for and cooperation with the Landesklinikum Wiener Neustadt
    • Team: Bettina Koller-Resetarics (Head), Stefan Dressler-Stross, Irina Igerc, Stefanie Mayrhofer
  • Microgrid Lab 100% - Implementation of a microgrid test lab and the collection of the usage requirements of the different stakeholders (2019-2022)
    • FTI-Project
    • Team: Robert Fina with the Department of Electrical Engineering and BEST
  • MOFNUG - Development of a modular questionnaire catalogue to survey the well-being and use of spaces (2015-2017)
    • FFG-Project
    • Team: Robert Fina in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein
  • NERD I – Benefits, effects and risks of regulating digital accessibility: Development of an app for dealing with extended digital accessibility (October 2019 - December 2021)
    • Third-party funded project supported by the Future Programme Project Fund Work 4.0 of the Chamber of Labour of Lower Austria
    • Team: Karin Wegenstein (Head), Kathrin Gärtner, Angelika Gruber, Melanie Hense, Agnes Hofer, Severin Maurer, Ralph Sichler, Julia Stranzl
  • NERD II – Benefits, effects and risks of regulating digital accessibility: dealing with working time flexibility and extended home office regulations (May 2022 - December 2023)
    • Third-party funded project in cooperation with Karl-Franzens University Graz supported by the Future Programme Project Fund Work 4.0 of the Chamber of Labour of Lower Austria
    • Team: Karin Wegenstein (Head), Eva Eigner, Bettina Kubicek (University of Graz), Melanie Hense, Renate Ortlieb (University of Graz), Sophie Bumberger (student assistant)
  • Quality of life survey - Quality of life in the different districts of Wiener Neustadt (2018-2019)
    • Contract research for the city Wiener Neustadt
    • Team: Stefan Dressler-Stross (Head), Vivien Unger
  • Questionnaire revision - Further development of the questionnaires of the patient survey of the NÖ-Landesklinken-Holding in the Lower Austrian provincial and university hospitals (2017-2019)
    • Contract research for the Landeskliniken-Holding
    • Team: Stefan Dressler-Stross (Head), Bettina Koller-Resetarics
  • SEASAC - Development of a pedagogical concept for the cooperation of universities and companies in sales education in Southeast Asia (2018-2023)
    • Erasmus+ Project
    • Team: Robert Fina with the Institute of Marketing in cooperation with Turku University of Applied Science
  • Sensitive Questions Study - Pilot study to measure psychophysiological correlates of sensitive questionnaire itema
    • Internal project
    • Team: Kathrin Gärtner (Head), Severin Maurer, Benedikt Weissenbach (Student assistant)
  • Smart Devices - Cognitive training for dogs: Needs assessment for a touch screen device for cognitive training of dogs (2018)
    • Scientific cooperation with IMC Krems under the direction of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
    • Team: Stefan Dressler-Stross (Leitung), Vivien Unger

Head of

Kathrin Gärtner hell


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