FHWN 0918 Pletterbauer 3950

Institute of Law

Almost every profession is subject to a wide range of laws and regulations. If you want to successfully represent the interests of your company or organisation, you need a comprehensive knowledge of the relevant legislation. We take this into account in all our activities, especially in teaching, research, and knowledge transfer.


The Institute of Law is responsible for legal teaching at almost all study locations and in faculties of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt, FHWN) and currently organises more than 100 legal courses in the various fields of law. We offer our students an academically sound and at the same time practice-oriented education in the areas of law relevant to their respective professional fields.

When designing the curricula and organising the legal courses, it is important to us that the students acquire interconnected, application-oriented legal knowledge. In addition to academic training, our students also acquire the ability to apply abstract legal rules to concrete life situations.

Our courses are taught by the Head of the Institute and internal academic staff, as well as by renowned experts in the field.

Summer School
The Institute of Law also offers preparatory courses and supplementary curricula in the summer and during the lecture-free period to prepare students for the master’s programmes in Business at the FHWN.

Elective Courses
The FHWN also offers a wide range of elective courses. In this context, the Institute of Law offers the elective “Data Protection Officer”. This elective can be chosen by all FHWN students in addition to their regular studies and offers the opportunity to become a certified Austrian Standards Personal Data Protection Officer upon successful completion.

Research activities

The Institute of Law is involved in FHWN research projects that have a legal aspect. Applied research with practical relevance is of particular importance.

In addition, the academic staff at the Institute of Law publish in various jurisprudential fields, such as

  • commercial law
  • European competition law
  • university law etc.

Knowledge transfer

Knowledge transfer is an important concern of the Institute of Law and is supported by active participation in public events and, in particular, by providing school and holiday programmes. Lectures on legal topics as well as events/workshops to promote legal understanding are offered.

Current projects in which the Institute of Law is involved include:

Header FH Forscherkids

FHKids summer science camp

At the FHWN's FHKids summer science camp (Forscherferien), we want to introduce children of primary school age to the Austrian legal system and explain "law" in a playful and fun way.


Experiment Day - Lower Austria Science Class

FHWN organises experiment days for school classes in cooperation with regional government of the province of Lower Austria. In the context of this event, we offer pupils the opportunity to acquire legal knowledge in a way that is suitable for children.

External teaching assignments

General information

In our teaching, special emphasis is placed on ensuring a practice-oriented education at university level in the sense of § 3 para 1 No 1 FHG. In addition to the full-time teaching and research staff, the Institute of Law has a large team of currently around 60 part-time lecturers from the legal profession. For further details, please see the section on external lecturers below.

Business man going meeting

Lectureship vacancies under § 7 FHG

Are you looking for a new part-time challenge in university teaching and do you have not only legal expertise and didactic talent but also pedagogical skills? Then apply for one of the teaching positions below that matches your profile!


  • no teaching positions currently available

WINTER TERM 2025/2026

  • no teaching positions currently available

Please send your application by e-mail to institut.recht@fhwn.ac.at (attn Mag.iur. Dr.iur. Martin Wagner, LL.M. MBA MSc). Please include a current CV, a short letter of motivation and, if applicable, a list of publications.

Please note: External lectureships can only be awarded to persons who also fulfil the requirements of § 7 para 2 FHG.

Speculative application

No current vacancies or no suitable teaching position for you? Then we look forward to receiving your speculative application!

Cooperation Partners

Personal Certifications

The Institute of Law offers several courses that are certified by Austrian Standards. The cooperation with Austrian Standards in the context of personal certification underlines the Institute of Law's commitment to offer top-level education and also creates visibility and transparency of quality.

The following personal certifications are offered

The certification body of Austrian Standards assesses competences according to the criteria of ISO/IEC 17024 and confirms them with an independent certificate.

Further information can be found in this news article and by clicking on the following link:

FHWN Study Issues

The Institute of Law publishes the FHWN Study Editions together with the publishers LexisNexis and Linde under the editorship of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Doralt.

The aim of the FHWN Study Editions is to publish tailor-made legal texts that take into account the specific needs of the FHWN curricula. This ensures that students in law courses, which usually cover different areas of law, have a single edition of the law at their disposal.

The current FHWN study editions can be found using the following links:

External lecturers

Some of the courses are taught by renowned experts from practice (lawyers, judiciary, administration, legal departments of private/public companies). In this way, we guarantee a practice-oriented education at university level in accordance with § 3 para 1 No 1 FHG.


Would you like to know more about the Institute of Law or are you interested in a joint project? Simply send an email to institut.recht@fhwn.ac.at - we look forward to hearing from you!