City Campus Wissensturm

Lisa Zach

BSc (WU) MSc (WU)
Lisa Zach

Lisa Zach

BSc (WU) MSc (WU)


Lecturer / Researcher Institute for Personal Skills Development


City Campus Wiener Neustadt
Schlögelgasse 22-26
2700 Wiener Neustadt
Lisa Zach

Research Activities


    The JOBCRAFT project is dedicated to a proactive, self-organized and meaning-oriented form of work design by employees, called job crafting, where an optimal fit between job and person is sought. The process is based on the goals, needs, skills and values of the employees in order to find more fulfillment and meaning in work. There has been informative, practice-oriented research on this worldwide for around 20 years, but hardly any in Austria. The approach that promotes employee participation at the workplace also seems to be little known in (Lower) Austria. In the project, on the one hand, questionnaire studies (panel: cross-sectional study, pre-post evaluation study: longitudinal study) on the spread and effectiveness of job crafting in the Lower Austria area, and on the other hand, job crafting day workshops for employees from ideally two partner companies are to be carried out to determine the effects of this intervention on job crafting and the work behavior of employees in the company. The project aims to make a significant contribution to the sustainable humanization of work as part of its digital, organizational and cultural transformation. To ensure that the changes in modern working life do not overwhelm employees, employees should be involved in shaping their changing of work. As much as possible, they should take responsibility for structuring their job profile and be able to design their work in such a way that they can reflect their skills and preferences, their personality and development goals.


    The overall objective of this project (funded by the European Union) is to improve people skills in project management education. We will analyze the existing best practices of responsible leadership in project management, specify and include the principles of responsible leadership into the project management education, develop easy-access short (EAS) courses and tools for responsible leadership in relation to IMPA people skill standards and raise awareness of responsible project management to achieve this objective.


  • Lisa Zach (2023): Qualität im Hochschulsystem. Eine Auseinandersetzung im Rahmen von Forschung, Lehre, Governance und Transfer. Employability als Voraussetzung für einen erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg von First-in-Family Hochschulabsolvent*innen. In: Dippelhofer, Sebastian/Hombach, Katharina/Müller, Lars/Benner, Ilka (Hrsg.): Waxmann Verlag. Münster.
  • Lisa Zach (2022): Qualität im Hochschulsystem. Eine Auseinandersetzung im Rahmen von Forschung, Lehre, Governance und Transfer. Berufliche Übergänge und Employability von First-in-Family Hochschulabsolvent*innen. Ein systematischer Literature Review zu Reproduktionsmechanismen sozialer Ungleichheit. In: Lisa Zach (Hrsg.): Springer Gabler Verlag. Wiesbaden.
  • Busch, Michael/ Zach, Lisa (2022): Absolute Beginners. Potentialentfaltung als individuelle und gesellschaftliche Herausforderung. In: Universitas, Heidelberger Lese-Zeiten-Verlag. Heidelberg.