FHWN campus wieselburg 01 shooting pletterbauer 2021 web
Mag. (FH)

Josef Walch

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Mag. (FH)

Josef Walch


Lecturer / Researcher Institute for Sustainability


Campus Wieselburg
Zeiselgraben 4
3250 Wieselburg
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Research Activities

  • Energie und I

    Young talents in the region get to know businesses and educational institutions in the region. The connecting theme will be energy.

  • EigenStrom2Go

    The aim of this exploratory project is to investigate the motivations and needs of all stakeholders in the context of a stakeholder analysis. Based on this, service design blueprints will be created for different use cases and a feasibility analysis will be performed according to the following criteria: Legal, technical, economic, network usability. From this, the development needs for an implementation of the EigenStrom2Go concept in the context of a subsequent RDI project will be derived.


    The Institute for Sustainability and the Department of Consumer Science at the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt at the Campus Wieselburg, together with numerous research and industry partners, are researching the needs of potential members of energy communities as well as the requirements for communication interfaces in order to be able to integrate, for example, photovoltaic systems, battery storage and electric charging stations into an energy community. Further research topics concern the optimal planning of energy communities and their organizational forms.

  • Energiekonzept Wiener Neustadt Phase 1

    Advice and technical support of the project klimaaktiv missionzero Wr. Neustadt. Report on the missionzero-relevant data in Wr. Neustadt.


    Establishing a sustainable energy and economic system and dealing with the opportunities and risks of digitization are among the greatest challenges facing our society. BSAIO aims to put these two aspects in relation to each other. The methods from the fields of Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, which are based on digitization, as well as increasingly powerful optimization algorithms, offer the possibility of operating systems in a more sustainable way and saving resources both in their planning and operation. To this end, all necessary knowledge is to be imparted and the methods are to be applied directly to practical tasks. At the same time, the targeted use of methods based on digitisation for responsible and sustainable use of resources should help to create best practice examples in this area.

  • RealLifeBiomass

    The active involvement of end users in further awareness raising is the key element of WP3. Interested house owners (n=100) are actively involved in measures and methods for the sustainable improvement of air quality and for optimizing the operation of their own heating system. A citizen science approach is chosen (end users collect data on their heating behavior themselves and then forward it to the project consortium), leading to increased end-user awareness.


  • Walch J./ Theuretzbacher G./ Kiffel G./ Schmidl C./ Bauer A./ Saracevic E./ Miltner A. (2018): DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATION SCHEDULES FOR DEMAND-ORIENTATED POWER GENERATION OF BIOGAS CHP UNITS. In: European Biomass Association (Hrsg.). Kopenhagen.
  • Theuretzbacher F./ Walch J./ Schmidl C./ Forster A./ Stürmer B. (2017): Characterising electricity markets for a flexible power production out of biogas – current situation, key factors and trend analysis. In: Austrian Biomass Association (Hrsg.). Graz.
  • Walch J./ Buchner, M., Haslinger, W., Hofstetter, C., Kohl, P., Mandic, M., Pehmer, R., Reichert, G., Schindler, K., Weidmann, U. (2017): Why we heat, how we heat? In: Austrian Biomass Association (Hrsg.). Graz.
  • Walch, Josef/ Haider, Dominik/ Watzinger, Rainer (2014): Biomass markets - the "ebay" for regional energy resources. In: Ö Biomasseverband (Hrsg.): Mitteleuropäische Biomassekonferenz. Graz.