20180918 FHWN 2016 64037 BEA Himmelverlaengert Dunkelblau ansicht

Bernhard Prinz

Bakk MSc
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Bernhard Prinz

Bakk MSc


Lecturer / Researcher Bachelor Training & Sport
Lecturer / Researcher Master Training & Sport Sciences


Campus 1 Wiener Neustadt
Johannes Gutenberg-Straße 3
2700 Wiener Neustadt
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Research Activities

  • Handbook of Cycling Science

    The book chapter provides an overview of some of the numerous factors affecting young people engaged in sports. It is intended to show the complex nature of physical- and psychological development in youth. What impact these have on training and performance and how people working with youth cyclists could/should consider.

  • Comparison of oxygen uptake kinetics between field and laboratory conditions

    Pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics in laboratory and field conditions

  • Critical power in laboratory and field conditions

    Physiology and application of the critical power model in laboratory and field conditions

  • Muscle deoxygenation in youth athletes

    Longitudinal development of oxygen uptake kinetics and muscle deoxygenation in youth endurance athletes

  • Spezialeinheiten Innenministerium

    Effects of training on performance and occupational illness in special forces