FHWN campus wieselburg 01 shooting pletterbauer 2021 web
DI Dr. techn.

Christian Maier

Christian maier
DI Dr. techn.

Christian Maier


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Bachelorstudiengang Nachhaltige Produktion & Kreislaufwirtschaft


Campus Wieselburg
Zeiselgraben 4
3250 Wieselburg
Christian maier

Research Activities

  • Wasseraufbereitung

    The supply of clean water from primary sources (e.g. groundwater) is no longer guaranteed in many areas of the world – a transition from linear to circular water utilization with recycling of used water will make a significant contribution to solving this problem. The project involves the acquisition, installation and operation of a water treatment plant with various treatment modules on a pilot plant scale, which will be used primarily for teaching purposes, but will also be flexible enough for application in scientific research and for popular science purposes.