Gebäude Tulln 2

Milica Krunic

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Milica Krunic



Head of Master Bio Data Science


Biotech Campus Tulln
Konrad-Lorenz-Straße 10
3430 Tulln
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Research Activities

  • PAIR

    Cancer therapy has experienced a rapid surge in the use of protons and carbon ions, over high-energy photons. This is due to their superior physical properties, including their major energy deposition at the end of their range and their higher ionization densities of particle beams. The biological outcomes are less damage to healthy tissue, as well as altered DNA damage and cellular signaling.

  • OMICS 4.0

    Bioinformatics in Interdisciplinary Life Science Research- The FH module includes the bioanalytical and bioinformatic search for relationships between transcriptome and metabolome data from Fusarium-infested grain.