The Academic Board of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt meets monthly in order to perform its duties.

Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt GmbH
Academic Board of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt
Johannes-Gutenberg-Straße 3
A-2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria

Tel.: +43 5 0421 1 246


The Academic Board of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt consists of one director, one deputy director, six course directors, six representatives of the teaching and research staff and four student representatives.


DI Christian Dusek

Head of Programme

DI (FH) Dr. Christoph Schmidl
Prof. (FH) Wolfgang Haindl
DI Birgit Herbinger
Dr. Anne Busch BEng MSc
Dr. Thomas Pekar MA
Mag. Maria Schweighofer

Teaching and research staff

Mag. Pöchl Lilli
Mag. Michael Krebs
Mag. Bettina Koller-Resetarics BSc
DI (FH) Stephan Kugler PhD
Univ.-Doz. Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Ralph Sichler

Prof. (FH) DI Dr. Robert Trausmuth, MSc

Students (appointed by the FHWN Students’ Union in accordance with Section 32, paragraph 1 of HSG - the Austrian Students and Students Union Law)

Corentin Sebastian Piekosz
Mark Andre Veraszt’o

Ines Fuchs

Niklas Gschaider


The Academic Board of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt has been given the following ongoing duties in accordance with Section 10 of the FHG (the Universities of Applied Sciences Act):

Decision-making duties

  • Establishment and discontinuation of study and training courses
  • Budget proposal to the course-providing body
  • Issuing examination regulations
  • Decisions on complaints against Heads of Programme
  • Changes to programmes
  • Awarding of academic honours

Co-ordinating duties

  • Content co-ordination for the entire teaching and research operation
  • Strategic development of teaching, applied research adn internationals
  • Assuring the quality of teaching and research as well as evaluation of the entire teaching operation and study plans
  • Ensuring equality between women and men

Holding elections

  • Election of the director of the Academic Board of the University of Applied Sciences
  • Election of the deputy director of the Academic Board of the University of Applied Sciences


The director of the Academic Board of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt represents the Academic Board in the university management and is also responsible for performing the following duties:

  • Representation of the Academic Board to the outside world
  • Awarding and revocation of academic degrees
  • Recognition of foreign academic degrees
  • Appointment of teaching positions
  • Execution of the Academic Board’s decisions
  • Proposals for the heads of the academic organisational units and for teaching and research staff
  • Comissioning of and participating in external quality assurance procedures


The Academic Board of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt has established the following committees:

Their central duty is to advise on and prepare for decisions in in respect to organisational efficiency.

Within these committees, working groups on specific topics may be set up on an ongoing basis to act in an advisory and co-ordinating capacity.