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Grüße aus dem Ausland

Let yourself be inspired - Outgoings berichten

Auslandssemester, Auslandspraktikum, Staff Mobility – lassen Sie sich von den Bildern und Kurzberichten unserer Weltenbummler inspirieren!

Greetings from the Philippines

Neben dem glasklaren Wasser in Coron, sind wir auch durch die Reisfelder von Banaue bis hin zum Tappiyah Wasserfall gewandert. Außerdem waren wir bei den Feierlichkeiten zum österreichischen Nationalfeiertag der österreichischen Botschaft in Manila eingeladen. Während unseres Aufenthaltes wurde uns nie langweilig und wir haben die Zeit in Asien unheimlich genossen.

Katrin Langer und Christoph Fischer, BBCI 2017, University of the Philippines

My lifetime experience in Sevilla

I could go on forever with all the things I love about this city, about Erasmus, about all my friends I met here, about all the beautiful moments I have experienced. The most important thing to say is that I really found myself happier living here in Sevilla, Spain. I love how people are outgoing and very kind. I improved my Spanish a lot and I use it in my daily conversation. Winter feels like spring. I feel like I belong here and a part of me wants to stay.

Gabriela Kolar, BBCI 2017, Universidad Loyola Andalucia/Spain

The highlight of my Master's degree

When I applied for an exchange semester, Drake University was my absolute favourite destination. Luckily I got the place at this partner university and spent an amazing time!
Drake University is located in Des Moines, Iowa where people are mostly nice to each other and welcoming. From an academic point of view I very much liked that I could learn a lot during my exchange. My lecturers were really qualified for their jobs and I am happy to say that I was a Drake student. During my time here, I was able to go on a road trip for spring break along with other international students. We covered 5 states during the 8 days of spring break.

Greshma Pallikunnel, EAM 2017, Drake University/USA